For anyone who has been asked if they mow grass for a living, these conversations are for you. Join us as we explore and discuss the questions and passions of sports turf professionals while celebrating our niche part of the sports world.
Friday Jun 30, 2023
Work/Life Balance: Groundskeeper Chat with Mike and Lisa Goatley
Friday Jun 30, 2023
Friday Jun 30, 2023
Husband and Wife Duo, Mike and Lisa Goatley, join us for a #GroundskeeperChat to talk about work/life balance in the sports turf industry. The pair share insight and tips for creating healthy habits in the workplace and on the Homefront. Here's what you'll hear in this week's #GroundskeeperChat
- Being present
- The importance of assessing your values as an employee and partner
- How to set boundaries and expectations as an employee early on in your career
- The Goatley's "What we've learned, sometimes the hard way"
- Conducting "family business meetings"
- Lastly, the importance of creating a trusting and communicative relationship with your employer/employee
A little bit more about our guests...
Lisa Goatley is licensed professional counselor and sees patients struggling with mental health, martial conflict and trauma. Mike Goatley has been a professor and extension turfgrass specialist with Virginia Tech University for over 20 years, with 15 previous years at Mississippi State University. For decades, the couple have been navigating careers and raising children together and are here to tell us what they've learned along the way.
Lisa Goatley is licensed professional counselor and sees patients struggling with mental health, martial conflict and trauma. Mike Goatley has been a professor and extension turfgrass specialist with Virginia Tech University for over 20 years, with 15 previous years at Mississippi State University. For decades, the couple have been navigating careers and raising children together and are here to tell us what they've learned along the way.
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